Scrap Vehicle Recycling

The typical processing of a totaled car is initially the vehicle removal and it is transitioned to vehicle scrap which is handled by a junk car hauler. Often the totaled car is a late model car that can often be refurbished into a serviceable vehicle. On December 2nd, Tracey Compton of the Renton Reporter produced a story titled ‘Single mom gets the gift of wheels from Recycled Rides’ that shows how vehicle scrap, in this case a totaled car, can be restored in a philanthropic effort. These type of projects are great during this time of year.

Here is a summary of the article: “A single mother, with special needs children was given a refurbished Ford Edge vehicle through Recycled Rides, a community service program sponsored by the Renton GEICO, Kirmac Collision/Thoroughbred & Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Alicia Stout accepted her prize Tuesday morning at GEICO’s Renton offices.” Ms. Stout was very thankful for the generosity. “Stout was nominated by the YWCA, where she turned when seeking shelter with her family. She’s been struggling for years, since her son was born with autism and his father left. Her son was also born premature and has had several surgeries. Staff at the YWCA thought Stout was a good candidate for the program because she often has to take six or seven buses daily as she commutes from work appointments, medical and therapy appointments and regular trips to the grocery store. She’s overcome homelessness, now lives in transitional housing and works as an in-home caregiver, thanks to help from the YWCA. GEICO has donated 25 vehicles through the Recycled Rides program this year. The program was started in Tucson and eventually became a nationwide program. GEICO has gotten more involved during the years as employees have felt more compelled because of tough economic conditions, said Martha Furnas, Regional VP. The program brings together insurance companies, rental car companies and auto body repairers to refurbish and donate vehicles to individuals nominated by local charitable organizations.” The complete story is available at the following link:

Scrap vehicle removal and complete vehicle scrap is the focus of Cash 4 Cars Akron. We are a junk car hauler that will process a disabled vehicle or totaled car throughout Summit County. Have a junk car or scrap car to sell in Wadsworth, Chapel Hill, or Rolling Acres areas? Looking for junk vehicle removal in the Portage Lakes, East Akron or North Akron? We pay cash for junk cars in Springfield Township, Merriman Valley and Highland Square. Residents of Silver Lake, Copley and Coventry Township are encouraged to visit us at Have a totaled car needing vehicle removal or vehicle scrap in Kenmore, Firestone Park, Norton or Mogadore? Those looking for a junk car hauler in Fairlawn, Stow or Green should call 330-271-6464 today for a junk car quote.  



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